1. 在ERP系統進行國內客戶及出口訂單/發貨單/發票的制作及確認,維護客戶存貨檔案及價格
Input customers’ order/delivery/invoice in ERP, maintain customers’ parts file and quotation.
2. 客戶采購系統進行訂單/出貨單據/賬單確認,確保數據及時準確
Maintain order/ delivery notice/ bill in customer systems, and insure the date timely and accurate.
3. 國內客戶及出口訂單及時有效管理,與計劃/銷售/質量等各個部門溝通協調, 以保證按時交付及客戶滿意度
Monitor customers’ order status timely and efficiently, communicate efficient with plan/sales/quality and relative departments to guarantee on time delivery and customer satisfaction.
4. 關注客戶預測情況,根據以往的銷售情況進行預測分析,及時將客戶預測反饋給計劃及相關部門,以達成公司的績效目標
Pay close attention to customers’ forecast, analyse the sales and forecast dates, and update the status to plan and relative departments to meet company KPIs.
Face customers’ complaints and suggestion positively, and reply customers’ survey on time with team numbers.
6. 客戶對賬及跟蹤逾期應收款
Monthly account check with customers, and follow the overdue payment.
7. 與營運及銷售部門緊密協作,以達成庫存周轉率目標及不斷提高客戶滿意度
Work closely with operation and sales department to improve inventory turns and satisfaction of customers.
8. 客戶訂單/報價單/對賬單及其他單據的存檔及維護
Keep well for customers’ order/ quotation/ bill and other document and file.
9. 每月銷售訂單,出貨,銷售額,預測準確率等數據統計,及領導交代的其他任務
Calculate monthly order, delivery, sales and forecast accuracy data, and complete other tasks assigned by leader.
1. 專科或以上學歷, 3年以上客服或跟單類似經驗
Graduated from college or above, more than 3 years’ experience of customer service or relative.
2. 良好的英語聽說讀寫能力, 熟練操作Office辦公軟件, 熟練操作excel,熟悉ERP或SAP系統操作為佳
Good in English listening, writing, and specking, be familiar with Office system, skilful at Excel, better if familiar with ERP or SAP system.
3. 知曉國際貿易或進出口知識,有跟進國外客戶訂單的經驗為佳
Have basic international trade knowledge, better if have working experience of international trade.
4. 責任心強,誠實肯干,學習能力強
High responsibility, work hard, honest and quick learner
5. 良好的溝通協調能力,具備快速解決問題的能力
Good communicate ability and can solve problems efficiently.
上海佩琪信息技術有限公司(HRPackage)是一家專注于HR云平臺和一站式人力資源外包服務的提供商。 我們正為300多個城市30多個行業的2000多家跨國企業和本地大型企業提供人力資源服務,包括HR云平臺、人事代理、薪資外包、服務外包、共享服務中心咨詢、員工商業保險、體檢、員工靈活福利和外籍員工服務等。我們正服務的2000多家客戶中,包括25家世界500強企業、15家中國民營500強企業以及5家中國國有500強企業等。 佩琪集團致力于打造亞太地區最專業的人力資源共享服務中心。